Getting a flat and toned stomach may be one of the hardest things to achieve for some people. It takes time, exercise and dedication to get those perfect abs! Below find some secrets on what you could be doing to better prepare your stomach for that 6-pack:
Know the Formula: Getting a flat and toned belly involves a mix of eating right and effective exercise.
Posture Matters: Having good posture can help you look slimmer instantly. Do a regular posture-building exercise to work on your posture.
Fight the Fat: Although ab exercises help to define the muscles, you can’t forget the cardio for your overall weight loss!
Start Your Day With Oatmeal: One secret to getting flat abs is to include a diet that helps to shrink your midsection. The best things for this are foods high in fiber and foods that help you fight the bloat! Swap your normal breakfast for a bowl of oatmeal!
Stay Away From These.. Be sure to avoid foods that make you feel and look like a bloated balloon! Avoid foods such as broccoli and cabbage.
Consume Foods High in MUFA! Foods high in MUFA (monounsaturated) fatty acids burn fat, especially in your belly area. Eat MUFA-rich foods like avocados, almonds, olive oil and pistachios.
For more tummy toning tips, click here.
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